Angelina Jolie, having no trace of cancer whatsoever, has had a double mastectomy.  In other words, her perfectly healthy breasts were cut off.

She also plans to have her perfectly healthy ovaries removed after having one more child, a procedure known as an oopserectomy.  Pardon me, an oopherectomy.  At this rate, there will not be much left of her perfectly healthy body for long.

For some reason, this makes her a "brave hero" and not a fool.  Well, of course:  In the luciferian media, all luciferians are portrayed as "brave heroes". 

Here is Dr. Coldwell, who begs to differ, in an amusing but truthful manner:

According to this article, our genes do not cause disease:

Personally, I would not trust Angelina Jolie to give me the correct time of day, much less advise me on radical elective surgery.

Even conventional methods are highly flawed:  "1.3 million US women have received unnecessary and invasive cancer treatments over the last 30 years, thanks to routine mammograms that detected harmless tumors, scientists said".

As usual, the luciferian media's official spin on Angelina Jolie's story is far from the truth. 

Even the alternative press, which has no financial or political motive to lie to us, has only figured out a small fraction of the true story.  Hopefully, this article will set things straight.

To his credit, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger from Natural News, was the first one to reveal that Jolie stands to make millions from her surgery.  Briefly, her promotion of her double mastectomy has accomplished the following:

1) It caused women everywhere to be terrified of breast cancer through the publishing of false statistics that drove fear into the hearts of anyone with breasts.

2) It caused women to rush out and seek BRCA1 gene testing procedures. These tests just happen to be patented by a for-profit corporation called "Myriad Genetics." Because of this patent, BRCA1 tests can cost $3,000 - $4,000 each. The testing alone is a multi-billion-dollar market, but only if the patent is upheld in an upcoming Supreme Court decision.

3) It caused the stock price of Myriad Genetics (MYGN) to skyrocket to a 52-week high. "Myriad's stock closed up 3% Tuesday, following the publication of the New York Times op-ed," wrote

4) It drove public opinion to influence the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision to rule in favor of corporate ownership of human genes, an even bigger nightmare than the corporate ownership of genetically modified fruits and vegetables.

Angelina Jolie already has hundreds of millions of dollars.  What would it cost a corporation to pay her to remove her breasts?  At least a hundred million.  But it would be worth it if they stood to earn trillions of dollars.  If she was mind-controlled, she would do it for free.

On top of a payment, she could buy up large amounts of Myriad stock and then drive up the value with her scare tactics.

Here is the full article:


Ok, here are the agendas that everyone seems to have overlooked:

First of all, by promoting DNA tests, Angelina Jolie is helping Big Brother to map everyone's DNA, and to pay for the "privilege".  This genetic information gathering is essential for the eugenicist "death panels" to choose who will live and who will die in the future, based on their genetics (like Josef Mengele did in Nazi Germany, for example). 

Corporations want you to blame yourself when you get breast cancer, not their carcinogenic chemicals

"Toxic shock: California allows up to one thousand times more glyphosate in drinking water than needed to cause breast cancer in women"

"The Roundup herbicide, glyphosate, multiplies the proliferation of breast cancer cells by 500% to 1300%, even at exposures of just a few parts per trillion (ppt).

"The study, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, is entitled, 'Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors'" (A Sheep No More).

Remember that the luciferian eugenicists want to reduce the world's population to 500 million, i.e. to eliminate 13 out of every 14 humans, as their Georgia Guidestones have already revealed. 

Bloodlines, genetics, and ancestry are worshipped by these individuals, although their inbreeding often creates the least healthy offspring on the planet.  Read about Charles Darwin's family, for example.


The Georgia Guidestones, a.k.a. "Satan's Commandments"

And what better way to depopulate the earth than to scare women into removing their breast nodes that prevent disease? 

On top of that, Angelina Jolie has announced plans to promote to women the removal of healthy ovaries in the future.  Even better for depopulation.

Once a corporation maps your DNA, it could patent your genes and charge you a fee for your own offspring.  Say a hundred thousand dollars each.  Having a child would be a "copyright infringement".  How is that for birth control? 

Angelina Jolie is also, whether knowingly or unknowingly, promoting androgyny by removing her breasts.  Androgyny is forbidden as an abomination by God and is, therefore, essential to the occult.  Yes, women who genuinely require mastectomies are fully female, but that is not the case here.

Angelina Jolie has already promoted androgyny for decades in her movies by portraying a violent, aggressive, man-hating feminist "hero".  God created men and women to support one another, not to compete with one another.

Think of the plot to her movie The Changeling (2008).  The message of the movie was "Are you sure your baby is really yours without getting a DNA test?".

Angelina is sending an anti-God transhumanist message:  She is implying that "God made a mistake" by giving her breasts that were dangerous to her health, and that, because "Man is God", a surgeon can improve on God's design by removing them.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

She is promoting slash-and-burn medicine, and taking radical pre-emptive measures for conditions that may never even occur.  In other words, she is promoting worrying about health issues that do not yet exist and that may never exist in the future. 

Would natural preventative cures not be preferable to this elective surgery?  No, because alternative medicine has nothing to do with eugenics.     

But most of all, Angelina Jolie is, whether knowingly or unknowingly, promoting self-mutilation.  This, too, is forbidden because it separates us from God and attracts demons.  Self-mutilation is essential to the occult.  In fact, everything forbidden by God is essential to the occult.

Angelina used to cut herself from age 13 to 16:  "You're young, you're crazy, you're in bed and you've got knives.  So s--t happens" (Maxim, 2000).

"I was…thinking romantically about blood.  I really hurt myself…I was nearly in the hospital.  I nearly cut my jugular vein" (Access Hollywood, 1999).

"…and then I met somebody who said they'd seen movies of mine and then showed me where they had cut themselves" (Jane, 2000).

She is still inspiring the same self-mutilation 13 years later.

At age 20, Angelina Jolie got married in a shirt with her husband's name written in blood on it.

At age 22, she married Billy Bob Thornton and they exchanged blood vials to wear around their necks.

"Angela still freely admits to using knives during sex play" (

So, as you can see, Angelina Jolie's latest self-mutilation is really nothing new. 

Angelina Jolie seems to obsessed with blood on an almost vampiric level.

Ladies, are you sure this is the type of woman you want giving you radical medical advice?

Most stars are also obsessed with bloodlines.  They are desperate to believe that they are nephilim, descended from "the gods" (demons).  Spiritually lost fans worship them as gods, too.

Many modern rock and movie stars under demonic influence also harm themselves:

Iggy Pop, Trent Reznor, Christina Aguilera, Fiona Apple, Russell Brand, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, Megan Fox, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, Marilyn Manson, Princess Diana, Christina Ricci, Sid Vicious, Amy Winehouse, Miley Cyrus, G. G. Allin and many others (

Alfred Kinsey was the sadomasochistic quack who the Rockefeller Foundation hired to make perversion and pedophilia seem "normal".  Kinsey engaged in compulsive genital self-injury and self-circumcision.  A perfect luciferian "hero".


Sadomasochist Alfred Kinsey with satanist filmmaker Kenneth Anger.  Photo of satanist Aleister Crowley on the wall.
Compare these demonically influenced modern stars to the ancient lost souls in the Bible and you will see that this self-mutilation is nothing new.  It is an ancient form of Ba'al worship, a satanic ritual.  Here is proof:

"Cutting oneself is associated with demonic possession.  It was characteristic of behavior caused by evil spirits" (

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?  Be not deceived:  Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind" (1 Corinthians 6:9).

"Do not cut your bodies for the dead" (for the spirits of dead ancestors/necromancy/demons) (Leviticus 19:28).

"Your body is a temple…glorify God in your body" (Corinthians 6:19-20).  Does lopping off healthy body parts glorify God?  Or staining the skin with demonic tattoos, as Angelina has done repeatedly?  The tattoo on her stomach reads in Latin:  "What nourishes me also destroys me". 

"A man with an unclean spirit…was always crying out and cutting himself with stones" (Mark 5:2,5).

Ba'al worshippers cut themselves as a satanic ritual:  "(The Ba'al worshippers) cut themselves after their custom, with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them…they raved on…No one answered; no one payed attention" (1 Kings 28-29).

"The false prophets of Ba'al were inspired to by their demon gods on Mount Carmel to repeatedly cut themselves until the evil spirits would respond to their spells" (

In conclusion, does anybody but Brad Pitt really know if his wife has the BRCA1 at-risk gene?  Does anybody but Brad Pitt really know for sure that Angelina had her breasts removed?

She probably did.  I am merely suggesting that a ruse is always a possibility, since illusion is king in Hollywood.

For example, Angelina Jolie's father John Voight said he saw her two days before her announcement, and she looked to be in perfect health.  She did not even mention any surgery to her father.

And how did People magazine, with a three week preparation window, immediately hit the stands with her story after her surprise announcement, unless it was already in the works?

As you can see, Angelina Jolie had Myriad reasons to have her breasts removed, and risk of cancer was least among them.

So please, ladies, keep your money.  And your breasts. 

I wish Angelina well.  Please pray for her.

Please share this article if you have found it helpful.

(For any cutters reading this, please understand that you are being deceived by demons.  Through God, your curse can be broken.  Neil T. Anderson is an expert in this field).

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